0651-6573788   info@smttc.org.in

Our Founder

Student Advisors

Sanghamitra Teacher Training College, Ranchi is managed by the Board of Trustees of World Buddha Foundation of Bodh Gaya, having its office at Bariatu Road, Ranchi. The Foundation is a Buddhist religious Minority Organisation and duly registered in India under Indian Trusts Act 1882.

Higher education is the yardstick by which the progress of every nation is measured. Today, as India stands at the doorstep of a most exciting future replete with possibilities of unprecedented growth and development, higher education stands out as the pivotal variable - a factor that all of us as responsible citizens have the good fortune to impact. Today, industry, academia and the general society all need to join hands to share each other’s expertise, enthusiasm and commitment to make a truly skilled, progressive and responsible Indian citizenry a reality. In keeping with this spirit, Sanghamitra Teacher Training College has focused on providing wholesome, relevant education to its students in an environment that inculcates values, mutual respect and cooperation. Truly, the next generation of SMTT students is shaping up to be a ready, hungry and knowledgeable collection of youth that will be the pride of their parents, their alma mater and society at large. In this day and age where a college aspirant and his parents have to worry about the course of study, the learning environment, the quality of guidance, the relevance of the program to the outside world, and the wholesomeness of the living environment, it is our firm belief that the best of each of these worlds is present in our beautiful, green campus. We invite you, dear student, and your parents to walk through our gate, interact with our wonderful faculty, and feel the positivity and vibrancy in the SMTT atmosphere.